TIRF DDG recipients

Recipients and Findings

The Language Testing Research Colloquium (LTRC) was held online this year from June 14 to 17, and as has been the custom for several years, TIRF was represented there. At the awards ceremony, plaques were given to seven TIRF Doctoral Dissertation Grant (DDG) recipients – five 2019 TIRF DDG recipients and two 2020 awardees. (Since last year’s LTRC event was cancelled due to the pandemic, recognizing the 2019 grantees was not possible.)

TIRF’s 2012 TESOL Talk Now Available on SlideShare

For any individual who missed TIRF’s presentation last month at the TESOL Convention, you may now watch the slidecast from the event. (In general, a slidecast features a PPT presentation with the speaker’s recorded voice to accompany the slides.) The entire presentation, which includes a question-and-answer session at the end

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