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TIRF DDG recipients

Recipients and Findings

The Language Testing Research Colloquium (LTRC) was held online this year from June 14 to 17, and as has been the custom for several years, TIRF was represented there. At the awards ceremony, plaques were given to seven TIRF Doctoral Dissertation Grant (DDG) recipients – five 2019 TIRF DDG recipients and two 2020 awardees. (Since last year’s LTRC event was cancelled due to the pandemic, recognizing the 2019 grantees was not possible.)

British Council Assessment Research Awards and Grants

Editor’s note: Portions of the following piece have been adapted from this website section of the British Council. If you are involved or work in language assessment research, the British Council’s Assessment Research Awards and Grants (ARAGs) might interest you. These awards recognize achievement and innovation within the field of

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TIRF’s 2021 DDG Competition Now Open

The application window for TIRF’s 2021 Doctoral Dissertation Grants (DDG) competition is now open. The Foundation’s flagship program is designed to provide awards for doctoral students nearing the completion of their studies. Along with our long-standing partners (Cambridge Assessment English and the British Council), the Foundation is offering DDGs in

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British Council Assessment Research Awards and Grants

Editor’s note: Portions of the following piece have been adapted from this website section of the British Council. If you are involved or work in language assessment research, the British Council’s Assessment Research Awards and Grants (ARAGs) might interest you. These awards recognize achievement and innovation within the field of

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Welcome Aboard, Dr. Suzanne Panferov-Reese!

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Suzanne Panferov Reese has been elected to serve on TIRF’s Board of Trustees! Dr. Suzanne Panferov Reese is the Chair of the Second Language Acquisition and Teaching Ph.D. program and teaches on the Public and Applied Humanities faculty at the University of Arizona

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AAAL & TESOL Go Virtual, Conferences Approaching

Around the world, we’re starting to see signs of a healthier global community and recovery from the ongoing pandemic. However, as it is still too early for large, face-to-face gatherings, both the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) and TESOL International Association are preparing for their annual conferences to be

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Chair’s Report, By Kathi Bailey – Groundhog Day

Each year on February 2nd, some people in the US celebrate a little-known holiday called Groundhog Day. As the tradition goes, the future (short-term) weather can be predicted by the behavior of a groundhog called Punxsutawney Phil. On this date in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, the groundhog (also called a “woodchuck”) comes

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