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AIR is one of the world's largest behavioral and social science research and evaluation organizations. The Center's overriding goal is to use the best science available to bring the most effective ideas and approaches to enhancing everyday life. For the Center, making the world a better place is not wishful thinking. It is the goal that drives them.
  • Background Information: The purpose of this edited volume is to present current research that lies at the intersection of healthcare communication, global migration, and the rapidly expanding technologies used for language testing. The global COVID-19 pandemic accelerated at a dizzying pace tectonic shifts already well under way:  English – for better or for worse – as the language of international healthcare collaboration; the trans-global flow of healthcare professionals across international borders; the scramble to remote and online delivery of healthcare education and skills assessment; and the accelerated application of artificial intelligence technologies such as neural networks and deep learning to assessing language proficiency in general, and medical language in particular. The particular significance of this book lies in its interdisciplinary nature, in its current relevance, and in its applicability to a wide audience of readers, given that effective communication – and the assessment of it – lies at the very core of quality healthcare delivery.  The global migration of healthcare professionals, the role of English as a medical lingua franca, and the rapidly increasing use of advanced, often “black box” technologies to assess language skills, we believe make this a very timely volume.
  • Publisher: De Gruyter Mouton
  • Proposal Due Date: 15 June 2022 (Deadline for receipt of 500-word chapter proposals)
  • Further Information: Robert C. Johnson, M. Gregory Tweedie, & Saina Kiani
Founded in 1924 to advance the scientific study of language, the Linguistic Society of America (LSA) is a professional society in the United States that is exclusively dedicated to the advancement of the scientific study of language. As such, the LSA plays a critical role in supporting and disseminating linguistic scholarship both to professional linguists and to the general public, as well as facilitating the application of current research to scientific, educational, and social issues concerning language.
Aqueduto (The Association for QUality EDUcation and Training Online) is a charitable organisation dedicated to: (1) evaluating blended and online training courses against a quality assurance framework; (2) representing providers of such courses in a crowded marketplace, varying in quality; and (3) helping professionals identify such courses, and enroll with confidence

This publication presents research on the practice of integrating content and language in diverse contexts where English is used as a medium of instruction. With chapters written by TIRF Doctoral Dissertation Grant awardees and other scholars, the volume offers an overview of a wide range of methodological approaches to teaching content in English to English learners and examines factors that impede or contribute to effective instruction. The chapters include findings from original empirical research, as well as overviews of existing research and model programs, providing valuable insights and taking into account a multitude of contextual features.

Offering up-to-date research on integrating language and content at the primary, secondary, and postsecondary levels, this book familiarizes readers with the latest advances in theory and practice. It is a key text for teacher education courses for preservice teachers, a resource for professional development programs for practicing teachers, and a useful reference for researchers.

Research on Integrating Language and Content in Diverse Contexts is the latest volume in the TIRF-Routledge “Global Research on Teaching and Learning English” series. The book is the ninth volume in the “Global Research” series.

Three long-time TIRF Trustees collaborated to compile the volume. MaryAnn Christison, Professor of Linguistics in the Department of Linguistics and the Urban Institute for Teacher Education at the University of Utah; JoAnn (Jodi) Crandall, Professor Emerita and former Director of the Language, Literacy, and Culture Ph.D. Program and Co-Director of the MA TESOL Program at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County; and Donna Christian, a Senior Fellow at the Center for Applied Linguistics in Washington, D.C. are the co-editors of Research on Integrating Content and Language in Diverse Contexts.

TIRF would like to acknowledge the contributions of all the authors and editors. We are grateful for their scholarship and dedication to furthering research in our field, as well as for agreeing to forego any royalties or honoraria, so that any profits may be used for TIRF initiatives.

To learn more about the volume, including how to purchase a copy, please click here.

Research on Integrating Content and Language in Diverse Contexts