The Foundation’s 2021 DDG (Doctoral Dissertation Grants) application window closed yesterday. Here is a quick glance at some of the key data we have collected based on this year’s competition.
- Total Number of Proposals Received: 60
- Number of Countries the 2021 DDG Applicants Come From: 25
- Number of Proposals Eligible for Award to Promote Research in Under-Resourced Countries: 49
- Breakdown by Research Topic (The sum of the figures in this list exceeds the total number of proposals received because some proposals concern more than one TIRF research area.):
- Content-based Instruction: 4
- Digital Technology in Language Education: 12
- English as a Medium of Instruction: 4
- Language Assessment: 10
- Language Planning and Policy: 9
- Language Teacher Education: 6
- Migrants and Refugees – Teaching and Assessing English: 6
- Plurilingualism in Business, Industry, the Professions, and Educational Contexts: 7
- Research and Revitalization of Endangered Indigenous Languages: 2
- Students’ Age and Effective English Language Education: 1
- Teaching English to Young Learners: 3
The applicants in this year’s DDG competition will be notified in late August or early September concerning the results of the program. News of this year’s awardees will be announced via TIRF Today, our website, and on our Facebook page at that time.
Good luck to all the applicants!