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Teacher’s Associations

Below you will find a list of worldwide teachers’ associations. We are making this list available to help language teachers connect with other like-minded professionals in locations they live. If you would like to suggest an organization be added to this list, please write to [email protected].

EELTPA is an association of Ethiopian English language teachers and professionals which is formed by the initiation of a few English language teachers and is open to any Ethiopian who works as an English language teacher or professional. The Association actively promotes the teaching and learning of foreign languages by: 1) providing information and publications, 2) organizing professional development activities and 3) acting as a public voice on behalf of members. EELTPA aims to: 1) encourage an understanding of the importance of languages at all levels in our society; 2) promote the development of language policies which reflect the linguistic diversity and the language needs of the country and its population; 3) advance public understanding of language learning and the techniques and approaches for successful language teaching and 4) promote improved standards of language teaching.

AMATE members are experts in their fields constantly looking for new ways and improvements to secure a high quality in FLT. AMATE cooperates with Ministry of Education, British Council and other institutions, publishers and associations. It is also an associate member of IATEFL. AMATE has been sharing its expertise through accredited seminars and other activities.

The mission of the National Association of English Teachers at University Level (non-profit organization), is to improve the quality of the teaching of English as a foreign language (EFL/ESL) in Mexico, to promote the professional development of those involved in the profession, and to initiate and support research in this area.  The objectives of the National Association of English Teachers at University Level are to:

  • Encourage professional development in the teaching of EFL/ESL through the establishment of links between teachers and public and private universities in Mexico, as well as abroad;
  • Support the development of a network for reflection, analysis and systematization of educational practices in Mexico with the objective to share between colleagues our successes and experiences;
  • Publicize and stimulate the activities related to teaching and research with specialists in the area;
  • Organize academic and cultural activities;
  • Establish standards to guarantee quality in academic EFL/ESL teacher training programs at bachelors and graduate levels, as well as design a profile that specifies the knowledge and abilities essential for graduates from these programs;
  • Specify the mechanisms for the certification of teachers that meet the profile and who wish to receive a national or international certification;
  • Establish criteria for the evaluation of teachers who possess different levels of proficiency of the English language; and
  • Accredit academic EFL/ESL teacher preparation programs in Mexico at bachelors and graduate levels.

ASOCOPI is a non-profit professional organization whose mission is to contribute in the betterment of English Language Teaching in Colombia my means of promoting quality Educators. ASOCOPI will be seen as a respectable representative of English teachers and English teaching in Colombia, and will play a leading role in the promotion of quality teaching, and social responsibility in our country and the region.

The Association of Teachers of English of the Czech Republic was founded in January 1990 by a group of teachers of English seeking improvement in the quality of English teaching, exchange of ideas and experience and broad cooperation on national and international level. Membership of ATECR is open to all persons teaching English at all kinds of schools and other institutions, state or private, as well as freelance teachers, of any nationality, working in the Czech Republic. There is also institutional membership. When you join ATECR, you connect yourself with other concerned professionals who wish to upgrade the teaching of English as a foreign language in the Czech Republic. Membership is for the calendar year, January through December. As a member, you will receive the ATECR Newsletter, published three times a year as well as other information and registration materials for conferences and other professional events organized by ATECR.

AzETA is a professional non-government, non-profit organization of English teachers of Azerbaijan. It unites about 1,200 English teachers throughout the country. It was established in 1995 and officially registered in 1996. Since its establishment AzETA works closely with British Council, Peace Corps and US Embassy in Azerbaijan. AzETA also seeks possibilities to co-operate with ELT and/or education related programs/organizations both in Azerbaijan and world-wide.

BELTA was founded in 1984 under the sponsorship of the Asia Foundation and was an active forum for more than a decade during which it provided a robust direction to the English Language teaching community through its various programs, particularly at the grassroots level. During the decade following its establishment, BELTA published 8 Journals, and a regularly bi-annual Newsletter. It arranged several national seminars and 2 international conferences. BELTA members established links with overseas teaching organizations. Some of the members attended and presented papers at conferences (Thai TESOL, SPELT-Pakistan and the Languages in Education Conference in Hong Kong). Most importantly, it arranged several regional teacher training workshops for grassroot-level teachers in state schools in collaboration with the government. Then for several years during the nineties, BELTA unfortunately remained dormant.

Founded in 1986, BRAZ-TESOL is Brazil’s largest association of teachers of English to speakers of other languages. A not-for-profit organization with a membership of over 2,000 professionals, BRAZ-TESOL is an affiliate of TESOL International (US), IATEFL (UK) and a member of Southern Cone TESOL (Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Paraguay).

BETA, established 1991 in Sofia, has 23 years of good practice with 23 national conferences (the 24th conference underway) and over 100 active members. BETA also works with teacher training institutions, the Ministry of Education and Science, British Council, Bulgaria, U.S. Embassy, Sofia, major Bulgarian and international publishers and other interested NGOs and individuals. BETA members are English teaching professionals from all educational sectors in Bulgaria – primary, secondary and tertiary, both state and private, teacher trainers and student teachers of English. en/default.asp

The China English Language Education Association (CELEA) is a professional organization under the aegis of the China Foreign Language Education Association. The aims of the Association are as follows:

  • To unite the academics engaged in English teaching and research at colleges and universities in China;
  • To promote academic research in the field of applied linguistics and the improvement of English language teaching in China; and
  • To promote academic exchanges in China and exchanges with international academic organizations.

HUPE (Croatian Association of Teachers of English) is a professional association of people who are involved in ELT. It was set up in June 1992. As a vibrant professional association, it is continually evolving to meet its members’ interests and needs in the range of activities that it undertakes. The aims of HUPE are:

  • To promote and support the teaching of English and teacher education;
  • To promote professional collegiality and cooperation on national and international level;
  • To foster the exchange of ideas, resources, information and experiences amongst language teachers;
  • To disseminate information about language learning;
  • To provide teachers with opportunities for continuous professional development;
  • To provide a consultative service for language teachers;
  • To provide benefits for members;
  • To establish and maintain contacts with international organizations;
  • To organize lectures, meetings, workshops, study groups, conferences;
  • To start projects related to language teaching, education and culture;
  • To represent language teachers in dealing with government and other official bodies on professional matters; and
  • To benefit English language teachers to raise the level of professionalism through ELT.

ELTA Serbia—English Language Teachers’ Association is a non-governmental, non-profit organization affiliated to IATEFL (International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language) and TESOL (Teachers of English to speakers of other languages). ELTA brings together primary and secondary English teachers, teachers working in higher education, language schools, students of English, all language professionals and professionals-to-be interested in ensuring excellence in English language teaching.

English Australia is the national peak body for the English language sector of international education in Australia. English Australia represents over 120 member colleges throughout Australia that provide quality English language programs to students and professionals from around the world. Over 80% of international students learning English in Australia choose to study with an English Australia member college. As an association, English Australia has a focus on:

  • Representing member colleges whose core business is English language teaching;
  • Delivering best practice support and expertise to member colleges; and
  • Providing the English language sector with global visionary leadership.

ELTA (English Language Teachers Association of Albania) is an association which has been active in Albania since 2002. It was founded by a group of dedicated English teachers who saw the need for greater cooperation, integration, and professionalism in the field of English language teaching. ELTA works to foster collaboration and cooperation among teachers of the country and of the region and also providing teachers with opportunities for growth; the professional development of teachers will in turn raise educational standards and improve student performance in schools. ELTA has been active throughout Albania and has established links with counterparts in neighboring countries.

ELTAI provides a forum for teachers of English to meet periodically and discuss problems relating to the teaching of English in India by helping teachers interact with educational administrators on matters relating to the teaching of English. ELTAI also does the following:

  • Disseminates information in the ELT field among teachers of English;
  • Undertakes innovative projects aimed at the improvement of learners’ proficiency in English;
  • Promotes professional solidarity among teachers of English at primary, secondary and university levels; and
  • Strives promote professional excellence among its members in all possible ways.

ELTAM is the national English Language Teachers’ Association of the Republic of Macedonia. It is an associate member of IATEFL UK and TESOL USA. ELTAM provides a forum which unites ELT professionals from across the Republic of Macedonia engaged in teaching, studying and conveying research on both the English language and literature, in a methodological context. Its primary goal is to encourage mutual support and make opportunities available for professional development of its members, with the view of improving English language instruction in the country and raising the level of English language learning and acquisition across a broad spectrum of Macedonian professionals, working in different institutions and at various levels. ELTAM unites and assists ESL professionals in their efforts for best teaching practices in correlation with the needs of the Macedonian society at large.

ETAG is a professional association of English teachers in Georgia. They were registered in January 1995 as a non-governmental and non-profit organization. They now have representations in nine cities of the country. All of them are well- equipped and professionally managed. Their membership includes school and university teachers of English from the state and private sectors. Their main goal is to improve the standard of English teaching in Georgia through providing professional consultancy and training, as well as through supporting the introduction of more effective teaching methods and materials.

ETAI aims to promote professional excellence of the English teaching profession in Israel, and hence the level of English learning by Israeli students. ETAI contributes to the creation of a professional English teachers’ community, whose members provide support for each other and practical teaching ideas through study days and conferences. ETAI is committed to fostering universal humanistic values as an integral part of teaching English in the Israeli educational system. It sees the teaching of English as an international language as a contribution towards global understanding and peace. ETAI is affiliated to both IATEFL (the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language) based in the UK and TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) based in the USA. ETAI works in close cooperation with the Inspectorate of the Ministry of Education in Israel. ETAI is also in constant contact with the British Council and with the Public Relations Department of the American Embassy. Both generously contribute speakers and materials to our conferences and mini-conferences.

FAAPI, The Argentine Federation of Associations of Teachers of English is a registered non-profit organization founded in 1971. Through 27 local, regional and provincial Associations of Teachers of English, FAAPI affiliates all certified Teachers of English as a Foreign Language holding degrees granted by national, provincial and private universities, teachers” training colleges as well as other institutions recognized by the National Ministry of Culture and Education.

FORTELL (Forum for Teachers of English Language and Literature), an autonomous registered body of English teaching professionals, was founded in 1989. The specific goals of FORTELL are to:

  • Revitalize the teaching of English Language and Literature;
  • Enhance professional skills of teachers; and
  • Provide a forum for collaboration and interaction among the professionals in the field.

Some of FORTELL’s activities include:

  • Organizing seminars and workshops in the areas of teaching methodology, materials development, curriculum design and evaluation;
  • Collaborating with other organizations to develop language curriculum;
  • Conducting pre-service and in-service programmes; and
  • Providing consultancy to individuals engaged in ELT programmes.

The Hamburg English Language Teaching Association (HELTA) brings together teachers of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in North Germany. They are an officially registered, non-profit making organization. Our members, both native and non-native speakers of English, come from all teaching sectors. Our goal is to provide a forum for sharing experience and developing professional expertise.

The Honduran English Language Teachers Association was founded on November 2014 with funding by the U.S. State Department Alumni Innovation Engagement Fund (AEIF). Its mission is to provide quality educational training and varied opportunities for networking to promote ELT improvement throughout Honduras. The association’s vision is to empower English teachers in Honduras pedagogically and methodologically in order to create a country where English is taught through quality instruction and best practices and is available and accessible everywhere and to everyone in Honduras.

The association’s mission and vision is based on the following guiding principles:

  • Learning: HELTA Honduras TESOL aims to address the needs of learners, hence it focuses on learner-centered approaches to training.
  • Collaboration: HELTA Honduras TESOL believes professionals reach success through collaboration which is is why networks and connections are at the core of what they do.
  • Best Practices: Since part of the association’s mission is to make teaching relevant to its learners’ needs and interests, the organizations seeks to utilize best practices in its training programs that can be modified to fit each context in Honduras.
  • Empowerment: HELTA Honduras TESOL strives to include in its programs activities that generate innovation, creativity, and stir curiosity in teachers so that it can promote change and empowerment in teachers.

IATEFL Hungary promotes collaboration among English language teaching professionals by organizing national and international projects with local and global impact. By doing so, it aims to support a high quality of ELT in Hungary for all. IATEFL-Hungary has been a key organization in English language teaching in Hungary since 1990 and has built a prestigious and ever-growing network of ideas and professionals. They can help you take control of your professional life and play an active role in shaping foreign language education.

The full name of IATEFL Poland is Stowarzyszenie Nauczycieli Języka Angielskiego w Polsce IATEFL Poland. It is also an associate member of IATEFL: International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (a teachers’ organization with its headquarters in Great Britain). Membership to the organization is open to all teachers of English in Poland, both active and retired, and to students of Teacher Training Colleges and English Language Faculties. Regular workshop meetings in regional centers, run by members and/or invited guests, covering matters of professional interest to the members. An annual two or three-day conference, with papers, workshops and presentations, as well as exhibitions of books and other teaching materials. The publication of a newsletter, with articles and other contributions from members of IATEFL all over the world and the administration of the IATEFL Poland web site.

Activities of SIGs (Special Interest Groups), which are sub-units within the Association, have their own membership, meetings, newsletters, etc. Nine SIGs have been set up so far.

IATEFL Slovenia offers a base for all those teachers who strive to become the best versions of themselves by offering independent, innovative and up-to-date seminars and conferences, regularly keeping our members informed through articles in our newsletters and sharing interesting and relevant information through our social networks on FB and Twitter.The association is a part of The International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL). It is primarily intended for Slovene teachers of English, but members from other countries and professions are welcomed as well.

IATEFL Ukraine was founded as a non-profitable organization of the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language the Headquarters of which are in Great Britain. Due to the official registration of IATEFL Ukraine the date of foundation can be considered 1993. IATEFL Ukraine branch is based on principle of each members’ initiative. Any activity of the organization is free and is supported by each members’ freewill. Since the date of its foundation, IATEFL Ukraine has been running a number of various ELT projects aimed at supporting Education Reform in the country and developing ELT professional networks because the main goals of the organization are as follows:

  • Enhancement of English teaching at schools, colleges and higher educational establishments in Ukraine;
  • Strengthening of cross-cultural awareness of Ukrainian students of different age groups;
  • Expanding and sharing of teaching experience in the area of languages;
  • Participation of teachers and trainers, members of IATEFL in concept programs creation, development and implementation;
  • Assistance and supporting of local English teachers community within different regions of Ukraine; and
  • Cooperation with other educational organizations and representatives of publishing houses.

With over 4,000 members IATEFL is one of the most thriving communities of ELT teachers in the world. Its mission to “Link, develop and support English Language Teaching professionals” worldwide is achieved through:

  • Regular publications, including six copies of our magazine IATEFL Voices and a free conference selections publication.
  • The Annual International Conference with an extensive programme of talks and workshops, which attracts over 2,000 delegates.
  • Fifteen Special Interest Groups to help teachers develop their own lines of interest.
  • Reduced rates on a number of selected professional journals.
  • Funding support through Scholarships so that deserving teachers can get involved in our Annual Conference, SIG events and online courses.
  • Links with Teachers’ Associations in other countries for teachers to share knowledge and experience.
  • Assistance in helping new groups to establish their own a local Teachers’ Association, including advice on how they can make the most of support and funding benefits.

The Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the improvement of language teaching and learning. JALT promotes excellence in language learning, teaching, and research by providing opportunities for those involved in language education to meet, share, and collaborate. We have nearly 3,000 members in chapters and affiliates across Japan, as well as members abroad. Over 1200 JALT members belong to one or more of the following Special Interest Groups (SIGs).

KOTESOL aims to address the need for professional development activities. Its members are active in all sorts of roles across the educational community, including expatriate teachers and Koreans, as well as teachers and friends abroad. Thus KOTESOL is a very unique and special place to share its wisdom and to meet practical needs to make English education in Korea better and enhanced. KOTESOL also publishes The English Connection (TEC) quarterly, the KOTESOL Proceedings annually at the time of the International Conference, and the Korea TESOL Journal (KTJ). Its international Conference is held every autumn, and National Conference each spring. It has successfully hosted more than 20 major annual international conferences, the recent conferences featured more than 240 sessions and 1300 attendees from within and beyond Korea–firmly rooted in our 10 regional chapters — each chapter has their own workshops and mini-conferences.

LATE has been representing teachers of English in Latvia since it was founded in 1992. LATE is an Associate Member of IATEFL. Late runs the best resource centre in Latvia. It has over 5,000 books, tapes, videos and magazines. It organises an annual conference in August in Riga and takes part in special language projects. As a member of LATE you can borrow books etc from the Resource Centre, attend the Annual Conference at a reduced rate and take part in LATE projects, training events and special promotions. Membership fees include: 20 Euros (for new members) and 12 Euros (renewing for members).

The main objective of Lebanon Association of Teachers of English in Lebanon (ATEL) is to provide the teachers with effective means to cooperate and collaborate so as to keep updated with the most recent developments and innovations in the field of teaching languages in a world living these dramatic changes resulting from the huge revolution of communications due to the frantic development in the industry of computers, multimedia and Internet. In doing so, ATEL also aims to listen to the needs of its teachers of English who feel they have to work together, or those who feel the need for some kind of support to enable them to – like their colleagues in other disciplines- face the challenges of the present, and on the other hand, to stand for the challenges of the forthcoming century with all its top priorities.

LEVENDE Talen (Living Languages) aims to:
• Provide and develop language teaching in all living languages in a broad sense;
• Provide a platform for language teachers; and
• Represent interests of language teachers.

To achieve these goals, LEVENDE Talen organizes seminars and conferences on language teaching, informs its members about news and developments in the field with these magazines Levende Talen Magazine and Levende Talen Tijdschrift, via newsletters, via the website and via social media LinkedIn and Twitter.

The Malaysian English Language Teaching Association (MELTA) is a voluntary, not-for-profit professional organization which was officially formed in 1982. MELTA’s stated constitutional aim is to promote English language teaching. MELTA is deeply committed to representing all Malaysian English language educators, contributing towards their continuous professional development in line with national goals and aspirations. MELTA is run completely by Malaysian volunteers professionally involved in the teaching of English language and education in the English language. MELTA grew out of two earlier organizations – The English Language Teaching Association and The Selangor English Language Teaching Association and its combined history can be traced to the year 1958. Since then, MELTA has gone through many changes, accommodating itself to the needs of the nation’s English language stakeholders.

MATEFL is an organization run by and for teachers of English as a Foreign Language. It is dedicated to the professional development of its members, the majority of whom are employed in Malta’s 40 EFL schools, by facilitating the sharing and exchanging of ideas and keeping abreast of new developments in the EFL world. The Association runs a minimum of three seminar/workshops a year for its members. The majority of these are led by members themselves in a spirit of sharing the best of TEFL practice in Malta. Once or twice a year a well-known international practitioner/author is brought over to Malta to lead a workshop for MATEFL.

META, the Mauritania English Teacher Association, is a professional network for teachers of English in Mauritania. The association is open to all teachers of English and welcomes everyone, including private tutors, public school teachers, higher education professors, ministerial inspectors, and instructors from private centers. META functions as an organization to facilitate communication and contact between English teachers throughout Mauritania by holding monthly meetings, sharing methodology and publications, hosting conferences, and communicating via website and email.

The Mexican Association of Teachers of English, A. C. is a professional academic association which seeks to develop in its members, as well as in non-members, the highest standards for teaching English to speakers of other languages so that their students can communicate effectively in all the diverse situations in which they may find themselves. The objectives of the Mexican Association of Teachers of English are to:

  • Promote the professional development of English teachers;
  • Assist teachers in updating their teaching methodology and in expanding their repertoire of teaching techniques in all areas of ELT;
  • Promote research in the field of Applied Linguistics in the area of English Language Teaching;
  • Disseminate, through its professional publications, the results of research and a discussion of classroom practices; and
  • Create, through Academic Saturdays, and Regional and National Conventions, an ongoing forum for training and professional development in the area of ELT.

MATE aims to:

  • Contribute to the improvement of the teaching of English in Morocco;
  • Encourage contacts among teachers in Morocco on the one hand, and between these;
  • Teachers and teachers of English in other countries on the other hand;
  • Encourage research activities;
  • MATE study days (all over the country);
  • Annual conference (yearly);
  • Regional mini-conferences (mainly by local branches);
  • SIG (special interest group) colloquia;
  • Colloquia on NGO management, quality of services etc.;
  • Conferences on language planning, translation, etc; and
  • Participation in regional and international conferences.

MELTA is a regional professional association for all teachers of English working in the Munich area: freelance teachers at companies, private schools and the VHS as well as state school teachers. Established in 1989, MELTA is part of a wider network of English teachers’ organizations throughout Europe and has especially close ties to other English Language Teachers Associations (ELTAs) in Germany. MELTA is also affiliated to the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL), based in the UK. MELTA provides a forum for information and experience exchange, training and teacher development and social contact and support. MELTA’s activities include presentations by leading EFL/ESL guest speakers and practical workshops and demonstrations.

The Namibian English Teachers’ Association (NETA) was launched at the Polytechnic of Namibia last year to bring together all stakeholders interested in English Language teaching and other related issues. NETA’s main objectives are to raise awareness about English Language Teaching issues in Namibia and to identify key issues that need addressing within a regional framework and then within a broader all-Southern African Development Community (SADC) perspective. The association also aspires to discuss manageable and realistic channels; to exchange information and to agree on optimal and realistic numbers of ‘active members’ as well as to prepare a common agenda of priorities for Namibia. Furthermore, NETA hopes to be the centre for professional development of teachers and a forum where educators will interact, update themselves on the latest in international educational research and practices as well as learn new skills and bond as an accountable and effective professional community.

NATECLA (National Association for Teaching English and other Community Languages to Adults) is the national forum and professional organization for ESOL teachers. NATECLA fosters the following values:

  • Independence and professionalism in language education;
  • Support for ESOL and community languages practitioners and learners;
  • High quality, relevant training opportunities, both locally and nationally;
  • Respect for diversity and multilingualism;
  • Expert advice to government bodies and other agencies; and
  • Campaigns which promote and protect ESOL and community languages.


The mission of the association is to establish NELTA as a forum for enhancing the quality of English language teaching and learning through professional networking, supporting and collaboration. The main aim of NELTA is to improve the teaching and learning of the English language. In order to achieve this aim, NELTA has set the following objectives:

  • To raise the standard of ELT in Nepal by conducting training programs, workshops, seminars, conferences, etc.;
  • To collaborate with the government in various strands such as ELT curricula, materials production, training, etc.;
  • To provide a forum for extending relationship among individuals, institutions and associations having similar goals;
  • To foster the exchange of idea, resources, information and experience among people associated with ELT;
  • To publish ELT materials, journal and periodicals; and
  • To establish a network among the professional association with interests and goal.

With these objectives in mind, NELTA has been working continuously for the betterment of ELT in Nepal. Apart from a Central Office established in the Kathmandu Valley, it has by now established a network of 15 branches, old and young, spread over various geographical regions of the kingdom outside the valley. NELTA’s strength consists in its members (more than 300 life and 2,970 annual). The beauty of NELTA is that its members include teachers from pre-primary to tertiary levels of education, ELT personnel working in the Ministry of Education and Sports, teacher trainers/educators, professionals associated with ELT and faculties from different Universities.

NileTESOL is a professional association for all those individuals who are actively involved in the development of the teaching of English and in teaching content in English in Egypt and globally. NileTESOL operates as a part of the English Studies Division of the School of Continuing Education at the American University in Cairo through a Board of Directors from the EFL community in Egypt. Members of the Board serve as volunteers on a rotating basis.

The Society of Pakistan English Language Teachers (SPELT) is a professional body committed to the training of teachers, to teach English effectively. Our mission is to provide a professional forum for members and practitioners teaching English as a Foreign or Second language, to facilitate effective communication and to improve the teaching standards of English in Pakistan. We achieve our goals by conducting monthly academic sessions, publishing quarterly journals, facilitating teacher training workshops and organizing annual international conferences on vital themes in the English language niche.

Panama TESOL’s mission is to strengthen the effective teaching and learning of English throughout the Republic of Panama while respecting each individual’s language rights, to promote academic achievement, to disseminate information, and to encourage instruction and research. Effective communication among communities and their individual members is essential for peaceful coexistence and for solving many world problems. Panama TESOL, an association of English language educators who work with learners from diverse cultural backgrounds, is uniquely positioned to give a knowledgeable response at national and local levels, to issues affecting institutions that foster the development of effective human communication.

Peru TESOL operates through a National Executive Board of Directors for, among other things, organizing events, publications and membership. But we also have Regional Executive Directors and Regional Delegates throughout Peru, who keep us informed of the needs of their Regions. Membership is open to all people interested in providing English instruction to speakers of other languages. When you join Peru TESOL, you join other professionals who seek to advance the study of English as a second or foreign language and of standard English as a second language. Membership is for the calendar year, January through December. As a member, you will receive the Peru TESOL newsletter as well as information and registration materials for conferences and workshops organized by Peru TESOL. Individuals who pay their dues at the Peru TESOL National Convention may apply their dues to membership for the following calendar year. Peru TESOL also provides professional growth and leadership opportunities for members. As a member, you could serve on a planning board, work with a special interest group, assist with conferences or regional meetings, or serve on the Executive Board.

The Philippine Association for Language Teaching, Inc. (PALT) is the oldest professional organization of language teachers in the country. It was founded in 1960 by a group of professional language educators headed by Prof. Aurora L. Samonte. Since then the College of Education of the University of the Philippines in Quezon City has been its base. The association primarily devotes itself to the promotion of excellence in language teaching, language education research, and professional development. It does not only concern itself with the teaching of English but also with the teaching of Filipino, local languages, and for some time, foreign languages such as Spanish. PALT holds annual conventions on language teaching that showcase the expertise of the members of the national executive board of officers, its members, and invited scholars here and abroad. In 2001, PALT held its first international conference. It also holds midyear seminar workshops. In its effort to establish scholarship in language education, PALT gives financial assistance to its members through its Thesis/Dissertation Awards and the Research Grant.

APPI’s activity is focused on improving English language teaching in Portugal. To this effect APPI has been providing their members with a number of opportunities for building their own professional development. APPI’s mission is achieved through consistently appealing to members and teachers of English at large for a lifelong professional updating to be made possible both by APPI’s human and material resources. Since its inception, APPI has gone through various changes in finding the best way to achieve its principal aim: to help improve English language teaching in Portugal embracing teachers of all levels. Maintaining this aim has made APPI expand its professional activities and membership to being one of the largest and most active non-profit-making associations of its kind in Europe.

PRTESOL (Puerto Rico Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) is a nonprofit organization affiliated to TESOL international. Its purpose is to stimulate professional development, disseminate information about research, books and other materials related to the teaching of English as a Second Language (ESL). PRTESOL organizes activities to keep up-to-date with current trends in the teaching of ESL, to share knowledge and experiences and to meet with other professionals in the field.

This organization promotes the profession and leadership on the island of Puerto Rico. Its goal is to support ESL professionals and focus on improving the teaching of ESL in Puerto Rico. PRTESOL is a not-for-profit professional organization that is dedicated to:

  • Promoting scholarship and professional development;
  • Providing opportunities for study and research;
  • Disseminating information and research on the teaching of English to speakers of other languages
  • Working cooperatively towards the improvement of instruction in all programs which seek to provide students with the opportunity to become proficient English language learners;
  • Coordinating information with local, stateside, and international professional organizations with similar goals; and
  • Promoting the recognition of English as an additional language tool for communication, and not as a supplanting means of expression at the expense of the learners’ native language and culture.

Qatar TESOL aims to help EFL/ELT professionals share their expertise and further the efforts to develop English language education in Qatar. Through the resources on this site, conferences and special lectures, we hope to provide a forum for our members to meet and interact professionally. Teachers, administrators, university students are welcomed who are planning on a career in English language teaching, and others who have an interest in teaching. Qatar TESOL was founded in 2001 as Qatar Teachers of English Network (QTEN), but has now evolved into Qatar TESOL, which is an affiliate of TESOL, Inc, the international organization for ELT professionals based in the U.S.

Romanian Association of Teachers of English (RATE) is a professional association that constantly supports its members and addresses all speakers of English in Romania. The association highlights the professional qualities of its members and provides educational services. RATE promotes links with other professional associations through regional, European and international projects. RATE is developing a network of professionals that addresses the Romanian society needs for quality education and worldwide communication.

The Far Eastern English Language Teachers’ Association (FEELTA) is a professional organization founded in 1995. Its mission is to strengthen the teaching and learning of English in the Russian Far East, to promote the professional development of EFL teachers, to support networking with colleagues all over the world, and to give access to the latest EFL resources. FEELTA headquarters is in the Institute of Foreign Languages, Far Eastern National University, Vladivostok. Today FEELTA is an organization of 500 members. There are currently 7 FEELTA posts in the Russian Far East: in Blagoveshchensk, Birobijan, Khabarovsk, Komsomolsk, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Ussuriysk, and Vladivostok (FEELTA headquarters). These posts provide ELT professionals with information and support within their geographical areas.

KSAALT was created in 2006 and it is entering its 6th year 2011 – 2012. We aim to provide English Language and English-as-a-medium-of-instruction teachers with monthly professional development seminars and an environment for social networking. The seminars vary in topic from workshops on methods and techniques directly applicable to classroom teaching and on academic or pedagogical teaching issues. Our monthly presenters vary from members sharing their knowledge or invited international guests notable in the TEFL / TESL field. KSAALT is proud to be a sister organization of such distinguished regional TESOL affiliates as TESOL Arabia, TESOL Egypt, TESOL Qatar and the English Language Association of Turkey. Many KSAALT members are also members of TESOL and other affiliates in the region and in their home countries.

SATEFL is a non-profit-making association with a membership drawn from a wide spectrum, from trainee teachers of EFL / ESOL, practitioners of EFL / ESOL and teachers and students of applied linguistics. It aims to provide a forum in Scotland for talks and workshops presented by both local members and speakers from further afield. 4 events are organized per year across Scotland, which focus on staff development and new things in the industry. Topics covered include reading skills, using IT in the classroom and teaching young learners.

TESOL-SPAIN was founded in 1977 as an independent, non-profit making Spanish association of English language teachers. Today, TESOL-SPAIN is a nation-wide organization with a membership that represents all sectors of English language teaching in the country. TESOL-SPAIN is an associate member of two international teacher associations: TESOL Inc. and IATEFL. We also maintain strong links with local teachers’ associations in Spain and abroad.

SPEAQ is a professional association concerned with the teaching of English as a second language in the province of Quebec. The aims and objectives of the association are as follows:

  • To bring together in association those persons engaged or interested in the teaching of English as a second language in Québec;
  • To study, promote, protect and develop the professional, social and economic interests of its members;
  • To facilitate communication among the different levels of teaching of English as a second language in Québec;
  • To facilitate communication between teachers of English as a second language in Québec and other persons or groups interested in the teaching of English as a second language;
  • To create a favorable climate for the harmonious development of the teaching of English as a second language in Québec;
  • To conduct and to arrange for studies and research with the aim of encouraging or evaluating developments in the teaching of English as a second language in Québec, and to inform its members of such developments; and
  • To print and publish reviews, journals, periodicals and other publications for purposes of information, professional improvement and promotional material publicity in connection with the objects above.

The English Teachers Association Switzerland (ETAS) is a non-profit organization mainly run by unpaid volunteers. Its aims are to promote the teaching of English as a Foreign Language (EFL), primarily in Switzerland. The ETAS organization is designed to cover Switzerland as a whole. There are regional groups in all parts of Switzerland, and each language area has at least one regional group. The groups are led by Regional Coordinators (RCs). ETAS has a number of SIGs to cover more specialist areas such as drama, research, ESP, and young learners. There is also a National Committee which coordinates activities on a national level. All these bodies are supported by a paid part-time administrator at the ETAS office in Yverdon. ETAS is a member of IATEFL and attends IATEFL Conferences regularly. From the beginning, a primary focus has been on providing training for teachers of English. Regular workshops and other events are organized on a local level, and national events take place twice a year. Collaboration with English as a Foreign Language (EFL) publishers began early, and now ETAS events attract world-class speakers in the EFL field such as Penny Ur, Scott Thornbury, Michael Swan, and David Crystal.

TESL Canada’s Mission is to promote excellence in the teaching and learning of English as a second or additional language in partnership with its constituent provincial and territorial associations, and like-minded national and international organizations.

TESL Canada’s Values:

  • Excellence in language, settlement, and refugee programs;
  • National standards for professional certification and teacher training program recognition;
  • Working together with provincial and territorial associations on common goals;
  • Promoting ongoing professional development;
  • Research and scholarship in the field of teaching and learning ESL;
  • Linguistic rights for individuals and communities;
  • Equality of employment opportunity for qualified non-native English-speaking and native English-speaking teachers; and
  • Assisting with English language development while still protecting Ancestral languages for speakers of Indigenous first languages.

TEA is a member of IATEFL (International Association of Teacher of English as a Foreign Language) and works in association with the following English language teachers’ associations in neighboring countries:

  • Croatian Association of Teachers of English;
  • International Teachers of a Foreign Language – Hungary;
  • Association of English Teachers in the Czech Republic; and
  • ELTA in Germany.

These connections between English teacher associations enable an exchange of the latest and newest developments in the English language teaching field.

The Icelandic Teachers’ Union was founded on 1 January 2000. It is a joint organization for all teachers, head teachers, deputy head teachers, and student counselors, in preschools, primary schools, secondary schools, and music schools – with the exception of head teachers in secondary schools. With 10.000 members, the Icelandic Teachers’ Union is among the largest professional organizations in Iceland. The strength this solidarity provides has been demonstrated during efforts to obtain better salaries and working conditions for teachers, and in negotiations for new wage contracts. The individual teachers’ associations that make up the Icelandic Teachers’ Union work independently, negotiating wage contracts for their own members. The Icelandic Teachers’ Union is concerned with rights and interests that are common to all members, such as pensions, sick leave and parental leave. The Icelandic Teachers’ Union also monitors general developments in wages and working conditions on the Icelandic labor market.

The goal of TESOL Arabia is to establish a network of communication among professionals who use English as a medium of instruction, in order to promote and maintain the excellence of their teaching and administration. This organization aims to:

  • Stimulate the growth of professional development through the encouragement of both practical and theoretical scholarship;
  • Encourage the use of available technologies;
  • Adopt the instructional methodologies that best meet the needs of our students;
  • Promote the English language teaching profession as a career; and
  • Provide a forum for discussion and support.

TESOL CHILE became active in 2004 with its first national conference in August and its first international conference in December. The election of officers in December made Mary Jane Abrahams the president for a 2-year term. TESOL Chile became an official affiliate of TESOL international in 2005. Since its beginning, the organization has actively sought ways to unite English teachers in Chile and to foster professional development. TESOL CHILE’s mission is to strengthen the effective teaching and learning of English as a Foreign Language in the nation of Chile while respecting individuals’ language and cultural backgrounds.

TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) France, an affiliate of TESOL Inc. and IATEFL, is a non-profit organization of teachers of English in France run entirely by volunteers. Its purposes are to stimulate professional development, to disseminate information about research, books and other materials related to English, and to strengthen instruction and research.

TESOL Greece is an independent, volunteer, non-profit professional association for teachers of English as a foreign language and other ELT professionals working in Greece. TESOL Greece is a TESOL Inc affiliate and an IATEFL associate. (Affiliates: TESOL Worldwide Affiliate Directory, IATEFL Associate Members) TESOL Greece currently has about 600 members, including teachers, teacher trainers, university students and staff, directors of study, school owners, publishers, writers, editors, researchers and consultants. Anybody who is involved in English teaching in Greece can join TESOL Greece.

TESOL Italy is a grassroots organization, run by teachers and for teachers. It is a non-profit Italian organization founded in 1975 by Mary Finocchiaro and Renzo Titone along with other foreign language teaching experts and pioneers. It has approximately 400 members in Italy and abroad and is an affiliate of TESOL International Association, based in Virginia, USA, with over 12,000 members worldwide. TESOL Italy collaborates with people and organizations involved in English language teaching, including:

  • Italian Ministry of Education (Miur);
  • The U.S. Embassy – Public Affairs Section;
  • The British Council;
  • Other Professional Language Associations: ANILS, LEND, AISPI, ADILT, etc.;
  • The Fulbright Commission;
  • Italian universities; and
  • Regional educational authorities.

TESOL SUDAN is Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages Sudan which is abbreviated TESOL Sudan. The association shall be an affiliate of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), an international professional organization for those concerned with the teaching of English as Other language. Now TESOL Sudan is working in collaboration with TESOL Arabia Testing, Assessment & Evaluation Special Interest Group. TESOL Sudan was established in 2009 as a non-profit professional organization for teachers of English in Sudan. It is run by seven volunteers as board members who are elected bi-annually. TESOL Sudan is based in Khartoum and funded by membership fees, donations, and sponsorships. So its success depends upon the initiative of sponsors and donors interested in teaching and/or learning the English language to share their vision for the field, stay informed on trends and concerns, inform others, and generate interest and collaboration among TESOL Sudan members. Since we are undergoing the process of being affiliated with TESOL International, we are adopting their mission, values, and vision taking into consideration our local context needs.

TESOLANZ is the New Zealand national association of teachers and tutors of ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) at all levels of education from pre-school to tertiary. The Association was formed at the Second National Conference on Community Languages and ESOL in Wellington in August 1990, and became an incorporated society in 1994. It is affiliated to the international associations Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages Inc. (TESOL) and the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL).

Thailand TESOL, or ThaiTESOL for short, is a professional non-profit and non-political organization under the patronage of H.R.H. Princess Galyani Vadhana Krom Luang Naradhiwas Rajanagarindra. Its purposes are to strengthen English Language education at all levels, to undertake research in the teaching of English to speakers of other languages, to offer scholarships, to disseminate information, and to cooperate in appropriate ways with other groups having similar concerns. Thailand TESOL is composed of volunteers who are teachers of English at all types of educational institutions in Thailand. It is organized into twenty-three member executive committee comprises the last two past presidents, the five officers (President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer), six member-at-large, the chairpersons of the Special Interest Groups (SIGs), and local affiliate presidents, Thailand TESOL has four affiliates located in Chiang Mai, Khon Kaen, Roi-et, and Hat Yai. In addition, there are invited committee members from various organizations i.e. RELO, the British Council, AUA, etc.

The Estonian Association of Teachers of English (EATE) was founded 23 November 1991 in Tartu, Estonia as EL teachers had felt the necessity to co-operate, get more information about teaching methods and materials and attend in-service training courses. Today there are 260 members from all over Estonia, both schoolteachers and university lecturers, in EATE. EATE has also made enquiries to the Ministry of Education and National Examination Board in connection with the problems about the National Exam in English. EATE members participate in the work of the English Board and various working groups. EATE is a member of the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL) which is our umbrella organisation. EATE members have participated in IATEFL Annual Conferences, 40 teachers are individual members of IATEFL.

INGED stands for INGILIZCE EGITIMI DERNEGI/ENGLISH LANGUAGE EDUCATION ASSOCIATION. The association, which was founded in 1995, aims to bring together English Language Professionals from all levels of education in Turkey. Anybody who is involved in English teaching in or outside Turkey can join INGED. INGED, the English Language Teachers’ Association in Turkey, is a professional and educational association. It is not related to any political party and does not get involved in politics. INGED it aims to help English teachers and/or anyone involved with English language education through:

  • Exchanging professional experiences, opinions and findings;
  • Following the latest developments in English language education; and
  • Assisting with the development of English language education by using contemporary scientific methods and techniques.

URUTESOL is the Uruguayan Affiliate of TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages), a large non-profit association of ESL/EFL teachers, based in Alexandria, VA which has affiliates in 144 countries worldwide. URUTESOL is also an associate of IATEFL (International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language) based in Kent, UK. TESOL and IATEFL organize Conferences, Academies and Institutes annually. URUTESOL aims at bringing together all the English teachers of Uruguay from public as well as from private education and in this way raise the standards of our profession, fostering research in the area and promoting exchanges both at the national and the international level. URUTESOL was founded in 1988. To date, our association has organized several Conventions, nationally and regionally, and many seminars in Montevideo and the provinces. The association has published newsletters and newssheets, welcoming contributions from all members.

UzTEA was established in 1996. UzTEA’s mission is linking, developing and supporting English Language teaching professionals. The purposes of the Association are:

to promote and encourage cooperation and exchange among teachers of English language, literature, and linguistics, and others engaged in those activities, and to promote academic work and foster research and study in this field; to promote the exchange of ideas, information, and experience relevant to the concerns of its members through meetings, educational seminars, publications, correspondence, and other such activities; to encourage the development and dissemination of superior methods of teaching English language, linguistics, and literature, and to aid in the attainment of increased teaching expertise, broad competence, intellectual depth, and overall professional excellence; to publish the newsletter of the Association, and other materials. Especially, to keep updated regional, national, and international developments in the fields, mentioned above and related areas.

VenTESOL’s mission is to develop expertise in English teaching and learning in Venezuela. Its main objectives are to:

  • Promote research into ELT issues;
  • Strengthen English language teaching and learning at all educational levels in Venezuela;
  • Promote and spread research works in ELT; and
  • Work collaboratively with other teacher organizations with the same interests.

VenTESOL exists thanks to volunteer work done by its members who are actively involved and committed to its mission. Such voluntarism is not easy as most members are full-time teachers, sometimes holding two or more jobs. As part of VenTESOL’s professional development program, we organize events all over the country which is divided into seven different regions. Our annual national convention is a very successful event, which takes place in May. It’s the biggest event of the year. The annual VenTESOL National Convention brings together over 700 professionals.

TEFL in YEMEN is a vital source of pedagogical knowledge and professional development around Yemen and the middle East. The site is a part of the TEFL in YEMEN Association established by the owner of the site, Khaled Alparaty, for the sake of embracing EFL Yemeni Teachers who are willing to improve their professional capabilities online. This Teacher Association has recently been an associate member of the IA TEFL. TEFL in YEMEN is a pioneer pedagogical educational website established and run by a group of Yemeni EFL professionals to hold innovative and creative views for the benefits of ELT, cognitive and practical domains. Its mission is to fight computer illiteracy among Yemeni EFL teachers, and to offer help and assistance by providing resources, sharing knowledge, building capacity and achieving partnership and profound mutual understanding with other citizens, especially those professionals of the English speaking countries.