Teacher Education

group of international students with hands on top

As a foundation for English language education, TIRF (The International Research Foundation for English Language Education) gives high priority to the development of a coherent program of research in language learning and teaching, dissemination of that research, and other related professional services associated with the continuous improvement of both research and language teaching and learning. Providing systematic reviews of existing English language teacher education and professional development programs, both online and face-to-face, is one of the professional services provided by TIRF.

College teacher and students in the classroom

TIRF’s review services are offered to teacher education and professional development programs that have already created or are using the following documents to guide instruction: (1) a set of standards and/or (2) a set of goals/objectives.

TIRF does not evaluate the standards and/or the set of goals/objectives that have been selected by individual teacher education and professional development programs. Rather, TIRF conducts its review to accomplish the following: (1) to determine the degree to which a teacher education or professional development program is following the standards and/or goals/objectives, and (2) to determine whether the way in which the teacher education and professional development instruction that are being delivered allows teachers to meet the standards and/or goals/objectives. 

There are three potential outcomes for a TIRF program review. 


The teacher education or professional development program has provided sufficient documentary evidence to show that it successfully meets its standards and/or goals/objectives effectively and that the way in which the instruction is being delivered allows teachers to meet the standards and/or goals/objectives.


The teacher education or professional development program has provided evidence in its documents to show that it substantially meets its standards and/or goals/objectives. However, the program is requested to address minor deficiencies. The way in which the instruction is being delivered enables teachers to meet the standards and/or goals/objectives with only minor deficiencies identified in the review. The program may/will be required to address these deficiencies, which could subsequently lead to an “Excellent” rating

Needs Improvement

The teacher education or professional development program has not provided sufficient evidence in its documents to show that it meets its standards or achieves its goals/objectives. The way in which the instruction is being delivered does not enable teachers to meet the standards or goals/objectives. Further work is needed in the areas identified in the review
Review Stages

There are five stages involved in the review process. Teacher education and professional development programs that enter into a formal review process with TIRF are referred to hereafter in this document as “the Client.”

  • The Client requests a program review from TIRF and makes formal arrangements for the Foundation to conduct the review.

  • The Client provides the required documents (see below) that show how it meets its standards and/or goals/objectives and how content and delivery of instruction support teachers in meeting the standards and/or goals/objectives.

  • The Client may request a site visit. There are two options:

    • An on-site visit

    • An online site visit of programs that are delivered online

  • The TIRF Program Review Committee reviews the documents (and the results of the site visit, if conducted) and prepares a report for the Client. Regardless of the rating TIRF provides to the Client, the Foundation will provide recommendations to the Client for strengthening its programs.

  • The Client may request an online consultation after the written report has been delivered.

Client Documents

To conduct its review, TIRF requires the following documents:

  • A description of the teacher education or professional development program.

  • The set of standards and/or goals/objectives against which the program is to be evaluated.

  • A description of how the instruction is delivered.

  • Sample materials used in the training provided.

  • A self-study document (framed by TIRF) from the client organization explaining:

    • How their standards and/or goals/objectives were developed

    • Why they believe their standards and/or goals/objectives are being met based on descriptions of their current practices

    • The way in which the instruction is being delivered enables teachers to meet the standards and/or goals/objectives

  • Any further information the Client organization wishes to share with TIRF reviewers

Further Information

To learn more about TIRF’s Program Review services, please contact Mr. Ryan Damerow, TIRF’s Chief Operating Officer, at [email protected].

To download TIRF’s Program Review content provided on this page as a PDF, please click here.