Literature Reviews & Annotated Bibliographies

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We would like to thank all of the following individuals and organizations for their important intellectual contributions:

Sufian Abu-Ramileh, Ralph Adendorff, Charlotte Groff Aldridge, AQUEDUTO, Kathleen M. Bailey, Kathleen Bardovi-Harlig, Melissa Bowles, Geoff Brindley, James Dean Brown, Anne Burns, Heidi Byrnes, Lynne Cameron, Joy Campbell, Craig Chaudron, MaryAnn Christison, Andy Cirocki, Mark Clarke, KimMarie Cole, David Corson, Allister Cumming, Fred Davidson, Catherine Doughty, Dan Douglas, Thomas S. C. Farrell, Donald Freeman, Susan Gass, Fred Genesee, Simon Gieve, Lynn Goldstein, Larry Grimm, Beverly Hartford, Harvard Catalyst, John Hedgcock, George Jacobs, Nan Jiang, Karen E. Johnson, Keith Johnson, Gabriele Kasper, Anne Katz, Deanna Kelley, Anita Krishnan, Ruth Larimer, Diane Larsen-Freeman, Jenifer Larson-Hall, Brian K. Lynch, Alison Mackey, Numa Markee, Mary Lou McCloskey, Kim McDonough, Mary McGroarty, Denise Murray, Robert Oprandy, Lourdes Ortega, Adrian Palmer, Gloria Park, Catherine du Peloux Menagé, Teresa Pica, Graeme Porte, Maggie Powers, Allison Rainville, Keith Richards, Thomas Robb, Leigh Schleicher, Thomas Scovel, Herb Seliger, Shannon Sinclair, Ann Snow, Tim Stewart, Pavel Trofimovich, Amy B. M. Tsui, Jean Turner, Leo van Lier, Karen Watson-Gegeo, Handoyo Puji Widodo, and Shinian Wu.

Annotated bibliography developed by Harvard Catalyst