Front row: Joan Morley (University of Michigan), Donald Freeman (School for International Training), and Patsy Lightbown (Concordia University). Second row: Koffi Edoh (World Bank), Ray Clifford (Interagency Language Roundtable), Art Wise (NCATE), and Kees de Bot (Nijmegen University). Standing: Patricia Duff (University of British Columbia), Donna Christian (Center for Applied Linguistics), Roy Gilbert (Oxford University Press), Joel Gomez (National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education, George Washington University), James Alatis (Georgetown University), Russell N. Campbell (University of California – Los Angeles), G. Richard Tucker (Carnegie Mellon University), Kathleen M. Bailey (Monterey Institute of International Studies), David Nunan (University of Hong Kong and Anaheim University), Joanne Dresner (Pearson Education), Brian Lynch (Portland State University), and Rick Jenks (Florida State University). Not pictured: Catherine Snow (Harvard University).
In February 2001, TIRF hosted an invitational conference in Alexandria, Virginia to identify and to define the research priorities that would guide its work during the subsequent decade. The presenters were distinguished language researchers from Canada, Hong Kong, the Netherlands and the United States. The other invited attendees represented major professional language education associations, the Interagency Language Roundtable of the U.S. Government, and the World Bank. The results of the deliberations were published in TESOL Quarterly (2001, 35 (4), 595-616). TIRF is grateful to TESOL for granting permission to post a PDF of the TESOL Quarterly article here [Duff&Bailey_TIRF_ResearchPriorities].