Throughout the holiday season, we are encouraging our supporters to read about the lives being impacted by our work. Read on to hear from Lanting Wang, one of our 2022 DDG awardees!

Lanting Wang (University of Queensland, Australia): “Research funding is of great value for knowledge creation and dissemination. It influences the extent to which the research problems are addressed, and research outputs are produced and disseminated.

Receiving a TIRF DDG will make some contributions to my project in a range of ways such as: a) reducing my financial concern in some way during my PhD candidature; b) generating positive effects on the quantity and quality of publication outputs; c) fostering dissemination; d) increases in citation metrics; e) inspiring new ideas for further research; and f) improving my overall research performance.”

Learn more about Lanting’s work here:

Our Trustees our matching donors’ gifts dollar for dollar between now and December 31st, up to $17,525 total. Use the following link to support doctoral students like Lanting: