Throughout the holiday season, we are encouraging our supporters to read about the lives being impacted by our work. Read on to hear from Maria Kostromitina, one of our 2022 DDG awardees!

Maria Kostromitina (Northern Arizona University): “I would like to express my genuine gratitude for your support of my dissertation study. Your recognition of my research is the highest praise a graduate student could receive, and I am extremely appreciative of the opportunities the grant will provide on my doctoral journey.

The funding I have been awarded will be instrumental in ensuring the success of my dissertation.

The grant will be extremely helpful for the dissemination of the study results. With the funding, I will be able to present the results of my study at large international conferences that are attended by English teachers, learners, digital platform developers, curriculum designers, and policymakers from all over the world. Thus, support from TIRF will be substantial not only in conducting the study but also in making the developed platform known and available for a larger target audience.

This award is helpful not only because it will assist me in completing my dissertation study, but also because of the value and weight it brings to my research. As a language educator and future applied linguist, I aspire to facilitate English learners’ success in global communication. The support of TIRF indicates that the research I do aligns with the mission of the foundation in serving English educators and learners around the world.”

Learn more about Maria’s work here:

Our Trustees our matching donors’ gifts dollar for dollar between now and December 31st, up to $17,525 total. Use the following link to support doctoral students like Maria: