Editor’s note: The following text is shared from the IELTS partners and features content found at this link. The content has been adapted for the purposes of TIRF communications.

The IELTS partners (British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia, and Cambridge University Press & Assessment) are pleased to invite applications for the Caroline Clapham IELTS Masters Award. The £1,000 prize is given in memory of Caroline Clapham, recognizing her contribution to IELTS and the wider field of language testing.

To be eligible, theses must have been written as part of a Master’s degree or its equivalent, and must be supported by a letter from the applicant’s academic supervisor. The work should be focused on language testing, but need not be IELTS related.

The award is usually presented at a major language testing event during the following year. The winner’s attendance at this event will be sponsored by the IELTS Partners.

Applications should be submitted by June 30, 2024. For further details, including submission materials, past awardees, and more, please click here.