Editor’s note: The announcement below is being shared with TIRF newsletter readers from the IRIS team.
We are pleased to announce that the first round of the IRIS Replication Award is now open!
The winning published (or accepted) self-labelled replication, using material available on IRIS, will be awarded £300!
Submissions will be welcome from any area of second language research (broadly defined, including multilingualism, language education, and research methodology). All methodological approaches and theoretical perspectives are welcome.
Submissions will be reviewed against the following criteria: (1) strength of the justification for the replication; (2) soundness and transparency of methods and analysis, including clarity about how these are similar/different to those of the initial study; (3) how well the discussion and conclusions are warranted by the methods, data and analysis; and (4) how well the findings from the initial study are integrated into the set-up, analysis and interpretation of the replication.
The first round for the IRIS Replication Award will close on November 30, 2018, with the first award to be announced by January 1, 2019. For further information or to submit your research, click here, or write to [email protected].