Editor’s note: In this piece, TIRF Marketing Intern Sara Bagley introduces herself to TIRF supporters. Sara is helping TIRF further its mission with a number of activities, including marketing, communications, measuring impact, and other important initiatives.

Hello, TIRF community! 

My name is Sara Bagley, and I am the new marketing intern for TIRF. I’m so excited to connect with all of you.

Currently, I am a senior at Grand Valley State University in Michigan, where I am completing a BA in Writing with a minor in Advertising and Public Relations. After I graduate next April, I hope to travel internationally, ideally taking advantage of opportunities for internships, volunteer programs, or teaching English in different spaces across the world. I’d love to eventually settle into a career focused on marketing, public relations, or community-based journalism.

Sara Bagley

I’m thrilled to be a part of the TIRF team, as I’m passionate about nonprofit work, as well as the impact that TIRF is making within English language education around the world. My interest in writing has led me to hold a similar sentiment for language. My career fields all center around communication and creating and/or understanding the relationship among individuals, companies, and communities, and the core of those bonds is language, whether shared or different. High quality educational opportunities that are backed by modern research and proven learning outcomes are essential for those interested in studying English domestically and internationally. The goal to provide access to such programs has been something that has sparked my interest since I first learned about TIRF’s mission.

During my time interning with TIRF, I’m thrilled to contribute to the organization through marketing campaigns, content creation, and overall promotion of TIRF’s brand. I believe that spreading awareness of the work done by the Foundation’s grantees as well as its partners and Trustees will garner increasing support for TIRFs mission. This will be my first time working with a nonprofit in a professional context, and I’m excited to be presented with the opportunity to learn more about the inner workings of marketing for/advancing foundations such as TIRFs. 

I look forward to working with you and other TIRF supporters over the next few months.