Earlier this month at the 2017 AAAL (American Associations for Applied Linguistics) Conference in Portland, Oregon, two TIRF supporters were recognized with prestigious accolades. Dr. Katherine Mortimer was presented with the 2017 TIRF Alatis Prize, and Dr. Patsy Duff received AAAL’s Distinguished Scholarship and Service Award (DSSA).
Announced previously on TIRF’s website, Dr. Katherine Mortimer (Assistant Professor, University of Texas at El Paso) was selected as the recipient of the 2017 TIRF James E. Alatis Prize for Research on Language Planning and Policy in Educational Contexts. Her article, entitled “Producing Change and Stability: A Scalar Analysis of Paraguayan Bilingual Education Policy Implementation” (Linguistics and Education, Volume 34), is available to download for free by clicking the link above.
During the AAAL Conference, TIRF President Dr. Kathi Bailey met with Dr. Mortimer to present her with a plaque recognizing the award and a check for US $500. A photo of the presentation accompanies this announcement.
Returning to Dr. Duff, the AAAL DSSA is given each year to recognize and honor a AAAL member for his or her service to the profession in general and to AAAL in particular. Dr. Duff is a Professor and Distinguished University Scholar in the Department of Language and Literacy Education at the University of British Columbia. There she serves as the Co-Director of the Centre for Research in Chinese Language and Literacy Education, and Deputy Head of Language and Literacy Education.
Dr. Duff has a long history of involvement with AAAL, with AILA (Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée or International Association of Applied Linguistics), and with other applied linguistics associations around the world. She has been a member of AAAL since 1991.
In terms of specific service to AAAL, Dr. Duff has given numerous presentations at AAAL conferences over the past quarter of a century. These have included both individual papers and colloquium presentations. She has also been a colloquium organizer on many occasions.
Dr. Duff’s scholarship is internationally recognized. Her CV shows that she has taught courses and given presentations in Australia, Chile, China, Egypt, England, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, Hungary, Korea, Mexico, New Zealand, Sweden, Thailand, and in many parts of Canada and the US.
Dr. Duff’s main scholarly interests have been related to language socialization across bilingual and multilingual settings, qualitative research methods in applied linguistics (especially case study research, ethnography, and complementary approaches to classroom research); issues in the teaching and learning of English, Mandarin, and other international languages; the integration of second language learners in schools universities, and society; multilingualism and work; and sociocultural, sociolinguistic, and sociopolitical aspects of language(s) in education.
Dr. Duff has also served the profession by her work on the editorial boards of many journals, including the Modern Language Journal, the Canadian Modern Language Review, Applied Linguistics, the Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, Chinese language and Discourse, Classroom Discourse, Global Chinese, the TESL Canada Journal, and journals in Thailand and Korea. She edited the research issues section of the TESOL Quarterly for twelve years and chaired the TESOL Research Interest Section.
Dr. Duff has been a longtime supporter of TIRF. She was previously Chair of TIRF’s Research Advisory Committee, and at present she continues to support TIRF in many ways.