Late last month, with just four days remaining before our year-end fundraiser was drawing to an end, we reported that we were $11,000 short of our goal. The outlook for reaching our annual campaign’s target was bleak. It seemed we were going to fall short of fully matching TIRF’s Trustees’ funds. However, due to late heroics from both existing and new donors, we are pleased to report that we more than reached our goal – we crushed it!

From the outset of our fundraising campaign, we informed TIRF supporters that our Board of Trustees had created a pool of $17,225 in funds to match dollar for dollar donations from the public. By the end of our campaign, we raised just over $50,203 (291% of our goal) from supporters like you! Together with the matching funds from TIRF Trustees, we raised $67,428 in total!

Here are some basic figures from this past year’s fundraising campaign:

  • Number of donations received: 27
  • Range in Donations: $5.42 (min) to $37,225.00 (max)
  • Average Donation Size: $1,859.39

Funds raised from our year-end appeal will provide tremendous help to the Foundation. Monies will be invested into both our programs and our operations, with some funding allocated for development purposes. Activities throughout the year will be guided by our Strategic Plan – click here to learn more.

On behalf of TIRF’s Board of Trustees, we would like to thank you for helping us achieve success with our year-end campaign! If not for donors and supporters like you, TIRF would be limited in its ability to offer activities such as the TIRF Doctoral Dissertation Grants program, the TIRF Bailey Award, and the TIRF Alatis Prize among others.

Thank you for helping us serve language education stakeholders worldwide!