On March 16, 2006, the TIRF Board of Trustees hosted a breakfast in Tampa, Florida honoring TIRF’s supporters, reviewers, and grant recipients. Joan gave an inspirational speech explaining why she gives to TIRF. Penny and Jim were recognized for their continued work with TIRF since before its inception as a foundation.
After welcome remarks from TIRF Chair, Neil Anderson, Patsy Duff, Chair of the Research Advisory Committee, introduced the grant recipients for the current year. Then Carol Chapelle and Joan Jamieson, 2004 TIRF Priority Research Grant Recipients, offered their special thanks to TIRF for funding their recently completed research project. Closing the event was Past Board of Trustee and Founding Donor Joan Morley, who spoke briefly about the history of TIRF and why she gives to TIRF.
The guests of honor for this year’s breakfast were Jim and Penny Alatis, shown here with TESOL's Executive Director, Chuck Amorosino (far left) and Joan Morley (third from left).Joan Morley tells the audience why she continues to give to TIRF. Joan was our first individual donor in the summer of 1998 and had continued to support TIRF through her "Author's Challenge" and her ongoing philanthropy.TIRF Priority Research Grant Recipients Joan Jamieson (left) and Carol Chapelle say thanks to TIRF showing the breakfast guests how their research project was born.Priority Research Grant recipients Dilin Liu (left), Ofra Inbar, and Antoinette Gagne talk with TIRF Trustee Patsy Duff, chair of the Research Advsiory Committee, at the 2006 breakfast event.Neil Anderson, Chairman of the TIRF Board of Trustees, welcomes guests to the third annual breakfast honoring TIRF's supporters. The breakfast was held in conjunction with the international TESOL convention in Tampa, Florida, on March 16, 2006.TIRF Doctoral Dissertation Grant winner Kara McBride (left) is congratulated by her advisor Dr. Jun Liu, the incoming president of TESOL, at the breakfast honoring TIRF's supporters and grant recipients.TIRF gratefully acknowledges the support of Alta Books of California, which provided funding to support this event. Aaron Berman (left) and Simon Almendares of Alta Books helped to sponsor the 2006 TIRF breakfast.