English for Specific Purposes (ESP), as a field within language education, has been evolving constantly since its inception. And as COVID-19 has affected our industry in a multitude of ways – many of which are known to us now yet many others are likely on the horizon – ESP is inevitably undergoing further changes in the near future.
Topics centered on ESP, such as key issues in the field, what we currently know, what the future holds, and what the implications are for various types of stakeholders, are all addressed in the latest installment to the TIRF Language Education in Review (LEiR) series. Authored by TIRF Trustee and TIRF Publications Advisory Committee Chair Dr. Andy Curtis, Language Education in Review: English for Specific Purposes, is free to download on TIRF’s website.
The primary readership for the entire series, regardless of the topics of individual papers, is non-academic. Papers are intended for policymakers and language education professionals in leadership and management roles, who need to be aware of trends and recent findings, for decision-making purposes, but who do not necessarily teach, conduct research, publish, or present.
TIRF is appreciative for its partnership with Laureate Languages to commission this latest LEiR paper and is grateful for Dr. Curtis’ efforts in authoring the publication. Please click here to access this paper on TIRF’s website.