Throughout the month of February, TIRF is spreading the love for researchers around the world! Show your appreciation for a mentor, scholar, colleague, or even an organization by submitting a text- or video-based tribute that shares how that person’s (or organization’s) research affected your life.
If you would like to submit your own tribute, please click here. Tributes may be submitted until February 28, 2023.
You can see tributes submitted from others by clicking here.

Please note that the TIRF Researcher Tribute program serves as a fundraiser for TIRF, in order to help the Foundation further its mission. Your tribute will be shared via TIRF’s website once your donation has been received by the Foundation, and will remain on TIRF’s website until at least December 31, 2023. Currently enrolled students are asked to donate US $25 to have their tribute shared by TIRF; the non-student rate requires a US $50 donation to TIRF. Payment may be made at
Note that TIRF reserves the right to reject tributes deemed inappropriate. TIRF will not edit videos submitted; however, TIRF may revise text-based tributes to correct issues such as typos, spelling errors, and so on.