TIRF Trustee MaryAnn Christison, Professor of Linguistics at the University of Utah, was recently honored with the James Alatis award “in recognition of outstanding and extended service to TESOL.” In making the award, TESOL President Dr. Christine Coombe sited MaryAnn’s seven-year term of service on the TESOL Board of Directors, including being President from 1997-1998, as well as her many major responsibilities for chairing the organization’s Conventions over the years. MaryAnn was also recognized for her numerous publications and intellectual contributions to the field. Dr. Coombe also noted MaryAnn’s current role as the Chair of TIRF’s Research Advisory Committee.
Upon receiving the award, MaryAnn had this to say: “I have known Jim and Penny Alatis for years and am honored to have them as dear friends. It is wonderful for TESOL to recognize service to name the award after Jim Alatis as his commitment to TESOL is legendary.”