Marti Estell is the US State Department’s new representative to the TIRF Board of Trustees. We welcomed her to our recent Board meeting in White Plains, New York, via Skype. She provided the Trustees a report on a new initiative between the US State Department and the TESOL International Association.
Marti began her post as the Director of English Language Programs at the State Department’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs in August 2012. Joining the Foreign Service in 1990, she has worked in media relations, educational exchanges, and cultural programming in Malaysia, Indonesia, Honduras, Ecuador, Spain, and El Salvador, rising to the ranks of the State Department’s Senior Foreign Service.
In her ex-officio position on the TIRF Board, Marti’s role is to advise the Foundation on how research findings about language learning and teaching can influence policy makers around the world. We are delighted to welcome her to TIRF!