Editor’s Note: Via our “Grantee Corner” column, we will update our supporters on the activities of our various grantees. News about their publications and presentations, the completion of their final reports/deliverables to TIRF, awards they may receive, and so on will be highlighted from time to time in Grantee Corner. We encourage our awardees to get in touch with us to share their accomplishments, so that we may let our supporters and donors know what they have achieved.
Recently Finished Doctoral Dissertation Grant (DDG) Recipient

Jonathan Malone, a 2023 TIRF DDG awardee, finished his doctorate at University of Maryland, College Park earlier this year. Details about his TIRF-funded research may be viewed on TIRF’s website by clicking here.
Publications Activities
A number of our DDG awardees have been contributing to the knowledge base of our field with their publications activities. Their family names and first initials are in boldface below in the APA citations of their newly published works. To learn more information about any of our grantees, including those below, click here and use the “Recipients” tab to locate the grantee.
Bernstein, K. A., Henderson, K. I., Chaparro, S., & Alvarez, A. (2024). Creating DLBE programs that center equity in the face of school choice policies. In M. G. Delavan, J. A. Freire, & K. Menken (Eds.), The gentrification of dual language, bilingual and immersion education: Solution-oriented research and stakeholder resources for real integration (pp. 271-284). Multilingual Matters. https://zenodo.org/records/10519390
Caprario, M. (2024). ELF communication strategies as pedagogical targets. In M. Moran (Chair), Incorporating global Englishes into the L2 classroom [Panel]. TESOL 2024 International Convention and Expo, virtual. https://www.tesol.org/virtual/
Hsieh, C.-N. (2024). The role of task types and reading proficiency on young English as a foreign language learners’ writing performances. TESOL Quarterly, 58(2), 978-990.
Liu, G., & Darvin, R. (2024). From rural China to the digital wilds: Negotiating digital repertoires to claim the right to speak. TESOL Quarterly, 58(1), 334-362.
Selvi, A. F. (2024). (Non)native speakerism in English language teaching: Changing perspectives, resilient discourses, and missing links. In P. I. de Costa & Ö. Uştuk (Eds.), A sociopolitical agenda for TESOL teacher education (pp. 45-64). Bloomsbury.
Uştuk, Ö., & Yazan, B. (2024). Tensions in an identity‐oriented language teaching practicum: A dialogic approach. TESOL Quarterly, 58(1), 363-393.
Yazan, B. (2024). Teacher ethnography in critical autoethnographic narrative: Making sense of the political in the personal. In P. I. de Costa & Ö. Uştuk (Eds.), A sociopolitical agenda for TESOL teacher education (pp. 123-143). Bloomsbury.
Zheng, B. (2021). Scaling bi/multilingualism through dual language education: A multi-sited study of diverse learners’ perceptions. Journal of Multilingual and Multilingual Development. https://doi.org/10.1080/01434632.2021.1975722
Zheng, B. (2021). Neoliberal multilingualism and “humanitarian connections”: Discourses around parents’ experiences with a Mandarin Chinese immersion school. Language & Education, 35(1), 78-95.https://doi.org/10.1080/09500782.2020.1828451
Zheng, B. (2021). Translanguaging and semiotic repertoires: A holistic examination of instructional resources in dual language teaching. In E. Bauer (Ed.), Enhancing bilingual education: A transdisciplinary lens for improving learning in bilingual contexts. Routledge.

Earlier this year, 2012 DDG recipient Dr. Joyce Kling completed her service as the Past President of TESOL. Her official term ended at the close of the TESOL Convention, which was held this past March in Tampa, Florida, USA. In addition, Joyce served as a panelist in the TIRF presentation on “Generative AI and Language Education: An Exciting and Disruptive Era” at the TESOL Convention in March. Further details about the session, as well as a slidecast, may be read/viewed by clicking here.
Congratulations to the grantees mentioned above on their many accomplishments!