TIRF’s September 2024 Board meeting took place earlier this month on Zoom. In this piece, we share some of the highlights from the two-hour meeting.
Over the past 12 months, TIRF has been developing its latest strategic plan. The document outlines a number of key goals and initiatives the Foundation will focus on over the next six years. Key performance indicators (KPIs) are attached to each goal, with a timeline included and resource allocation recommendations. Goals related to funding, influence, impact, focus, outreach, and leadership are all addressed in the strategic plan, which we will report on in more detail once it is approved by TIRF Board members later this year.

A second major discussion topic of TIRF’s meeting was improvements being made to TIRF’s flagship service, currently known as TIRF’s Program Evaluation for Global Language Centers. Offered to language centers worldwide, this service has become an important fundraising mechanism for the Foundation. As it has grown in popularity over the last seven years, TIRF is determining ways in which it can further standardize its processes, broaden its client base, and improve upon marketability. Further details about this service will be shared with TIRF supporters at a later date.
Finally, we wish to note that TIRF’s new marketing intern, Sara Bagley, joined the Board for a brief introduction at the start of the meeting. Over the next several months, Sara is assisting TIRF with a number of activities that will help TIRF further its mission. Stay tuned to TIRF Today (click here to signup to receive our newsletter) and our website for additional details about the activities above and more from the Foundation.