Editor’s note: In this piece, TIRF’s intern, Mr. Wyatt Boykin, reveals the final results of TIRF’s midyear appeal donor challenge.
Monterey, California, USA – Yorktown. Appomattox. Versailles.
These are sites of some of the most famous surrenders in military history. Today, dear readers, we can add one more to the historical record: Dr. Bailey’s office at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies in Monterey.
Yes, atop a pile of smoldering rubble, amid the acrid smoke and cries for mercy, with his victorious banner waving proudly in the new September sun for all of TIRFdom to see, it was Daring Damerow who emerged victorious over Boss Bailey in their two-month battle for new donors!
Damerow narrowly prevailed by welcoming a total of 29 new donors to the TIRF family compared to Bailey’s 27, with another three individuals who opted to support both camps. There were 59 new donors in total (60 if you count the one donation that trickled in just after the closing of the competition!). However, despite losing the competition, Boss Bailey can take solace in the fact that her smaller band of merry donors outperformed Daring Damerow’s motley crew in donation dollar amounts by more than two-to-one…no small feat!
When asked for comment, Boss Bailey demonstrated otherworldly poise and graciousness in defeat, saying, “Well, it was a good fight, but in the end, Ryan was able to muster more support than I was. The good news is that TIRF benefits from both our efforts even though he won. We hope that all our new donors will continue to support the Foundation in the years to come.”
And in a curative display of magnanimity, Daring Damerow humbly offered these final words: “There are no losers in this friendly competition, as all funds raised will benefit the multitude of stakeholders TIRF serves.” He continued, “It’s amazing that so many supporters answered my prodding emails and donated to TIRF. Many thanks to all, especially to Boss Bailey for her relentless efforts in leading the Foundation.”
The battle for new donors may be over, dear readers, but the struggle continues. TIRF relies on donations from readers just like you to fulfill its vital mission. Whether you are a new or continuing donor, online gifts can be made by clicking here. We can also accept checks drawn on U.S. banks and made out to TIRF via paper mail: TIRF, 177 Webster St., #220, Monterey, CA 93940, USA.