Center for Applied Linguistics – Washington, DC

TIRF Newsletter Issue Date: May 2012


Description: The Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL)is a private, nonprofit organization located in Washington, DC working to improve communication through the better understanding of language and culture. Established in 1959, CAL has earned a national and international reputation for its contributions to the fields of bilingual education, English as a second language, literacy, foreign language education, dialect studies, language policy, refugee orientation, and the education of linguistically and culturally diverse adults and children.

Examples of Activities:

  1. CAL’s staff members conduct research, design and develop instructional materials and language tests, and provide technical assistance and professional development. They also conduct needs assessments and program evaluations, and disseminate information and resources related to language and culture.
  2. Like TIRF, CAL seeks to use research findings for the development of pragmatic and forward-thinking solutions to a variety of issues related to language and culture.
  3. CAL also hosts the Language Policy Research Network (LPREN), an international organization of researchers, scholars, and stakeholders in the field of educational language policy. In addition, CAL offers colloquia at conferences, invites publications related to the field, and shares resources, announcements, and other opportunities via the LPREN listserv.