
The full name of IATEFL Poland is Stowarzyszenie Nauczycieli Języka Angielskiego w Polsce IATEFL Poland. It is also an associate member of IATEFL: International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (a teachers’ organization with its headquarters in Great Britain). Membership to the organization is open to all teachers of English in Poland, both active and retired, and to students of Teacher Training Colleges and English Language Faculties. Regular workshop meetings in regional centers, run by members and/or invited guests, covering matters of professional interest to the members. An annual two or three-day conference, with papers, workshops and presentations, as well as exhibitions of books and other teaching materials. The publication of a newsletter, with articles and other contributions from members of IATEFL all over the world and the administration of the IATEFL Poland web site.

Activities of SIGs (Special Interest Groups), which are sub-units within the Association, have their own membership, meetings, newsletters, etc. Nine SIGs have been set up so far.