Saudi Arabia Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Association of Language Teachers (KSAALT)

KSAALT was created in 2006 and it is entering its 6th year 2011 – 2012. We aim to provide English Language and English-as-a-medium-of-instruction teachers with monthly professional development seminars and an environment for social networking. The seminars vary in topic from workshops on methods and techniques directly applicable to classroom teaching and on academic or pedagogical teaching issues. Our monthly presenters vary from members sharing their knowledge or invited international guests notable in the TEFL / TESL field. KSAALT is proud to be a sister organization of such distinguished regional TESOL affiliates as TESOL Arabia, TESOL Egypt, TESOL Qatar and the English Language Association of Turkey. Many KSAALT members are also members of TESOL and other affiliates in the region and in their home countries.