TESOL SUDAN is Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages Sudan which is abbreviated TESOL Sudan. The association shall be an affiliate of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), an international professional organization for those concerned with the teaching of English as Other language. Now TESOL Sudan is working in collaboration with TESOL Arabia Testing, Assessment & Evaluation Special Interest Group. TESOL Sudan was established in 2009 as a non-profit professional organization for teachers of English in Sudan. It is run by seven volunteers as board members who are elected bi-annually. TESOL Sudan is based in Khartoum and funded by membership fees, donations, and sponsorships. So its success depends upon the initiative of sponsors and donors interested in teaching and/or learning the English language to share their vision for the field, stay informed on trends and concerns, inform others, and generate interest and collaboration among TESOL Sudan members. Since we are undergoing the process of being affiliated with TESOL International, we are adopting their mission, values, and vision taking into consideration our local context needs.