TIRF DDG recipients

Recipients and Findings

The Language Testing Research Colloquium (LTRC) was held online this year from June 14 to 17, and as has been the custom for several years, TIRF was represented there. At the awards ceremony, plaques were given to seven TIRF Doctoral Dissertation Grant (DDG) recipients – five 2019 TIRF DDG recipients and two 2020 awardees. (Since last year’s LTRC event was cancelled due to the pandemic, recognizing the 2019 grantees was not possible.)

TIRF “Alumni Map” Updated – 2021 DDG Recipients Added

The newest iteration of TIRF’s “Alumni Map” is now available! Just last month, the Foundation announced the 2021 TIRF Doctoral Dissertation Grant (DDG) recipients. Via this year’s DDG competition, another 15 doctoral students were awarded funds from TIRF to help them complete their research and present their findings at international

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Chair’s Report, By Kathi Bailey – A Scary Story about Research

Imagine yourself (or remember yourself) as a junior researcher. Let’s say you’d had good methodological training and were confident about your knowledge in terms of your subject-matter expertise. But you were also at the bottom of the hierarchy in terms of institutional power. Perhaps you were a research assistant, just

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Kickoff the Giving Season by Supporting TIRF

As our calendars soon turn toward November, the holiday season in many parts of the world starts to take shape. And as the seasons change, nonprofit organizations like TIRF commence their annual appeal plans. It’s never too early to begin considering making your list of nonprofits whose mission you would

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