The 2013 TESOL Convention is just around the corner. The Convention will be held at the Dallas Convention Center in Dallas, Texas, USA. At this year’s TIRF session, Dr. Denise Murray, Professor Emeritus at Macquarie University and San José State University in California, and TIRF Trustee Dr. MaryAnn Christison will co-present on TIRF’s most recent study regarding online language teacher education. We are grateful to Dr. Murray for her expertise in producing TIRF’s latest installment of its key questions initiative.
We would be thrilled to have you join us for TIRF’s presentation, which will be held on Thursday, March 21, 2013 from 10:00 – 11:45am in room C-150 of the Dallas Convention Center. We will be providing coffee and tea for attendees during a brief meet-and-greet session. The following is a summary of Dr. Murray’s and Dr. Christison’s talk: This presentation highlights initial findings of the literature review, information from a survey of websites, and the analyses of case reports submitted by eighteen organizations that offer online professional development opportunities for teachers.
We hope to see you in Dallas!