Throughout the holiday season, we are encouraging our supporters to read about the lives being impacted by our work. Read on to hear from Elise Brittain, one of our 2022 DDG awardees!
Elise Brittain (University of Texas at San Antonio): “This funding opportunity provided by TIRF will provide access to more accuracy in my work with the purchase of video and audio equipment. These tools will support higher quality observation and interview data that offer more thorough and accurate observation and transcription. This funding may also support the purchase of other research supports, including transcription software and the time of research assistants in Uzbekistan. These supports will be invaluable to efficiency of data collection but also improved analysis.”
Learn more about Elise’s work here:
Our Trustees our matching donors’ gifts dollar for dollar between now and December 31st, up to $17,525 total. Use the following link to support scholars like Elise: