As December draws to an end, we will soon be celebrating both the solar and lunar new years. In this piece, TIRF Trustees and staff send you their holiday greetings.

Kathi Bailey: I have just watched the December 2021 commencement ceremony here at MIIS, where several of my recent students officially received their masters degrees. Due to COVID, I have never met any of these graduates face-to-face. Ever the optimist, I hope that 2022 is the beginning of a post-pandemic world for all people, and – impossible though it may seem — that people without research training might come to value, or at least understand, the importance of research.

Joe Bookbinder: On behalf of the U.S. State Department’s Office of English Language Programs, I’d like to share our best wishes for a happy, healthy, and prosperous holiday season and the New Year. Thank you for your support of TIRF, which benefits current teachers, scholars, and students, and is helping develop the next generation of English language educators.

Deena Boraie: Thank you for all your support over the past year and wishing you all the best as we head into 2022. Happy New Year – كل عام وانتم بخير

Richard Boyum: Dear Fellow TIRFers – thanks so much for your generous support in keeping the good work of TIRF going forward. Couldn’t be done without you!! Have a Happy Holiday period!

Michael Carrier: I would like to wish all TIRF’s friends, supporters, grantees, donors, and trustees all the best for the holiday season – for Hanukkah, Christmas, and the New Year’s season.

Donna Christian: Warm greetings to everyone in the TIRF community! We send our heartfelt thanks to all our supporters who have contributed their knowledge, time, effort, and funds in the past year to help TIRF advance the field of English language education around the world. Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku – Happy New Year!

MaryAnn Christison: 2021 has been quite a journey. Although it may not have unfolded as we expected it to, its challenges have brought us many learning opportunities. At the close of 2021, I find myself focusing on gratitude, especially for TIRF’s donors and supporters. I wish all of you a very happy holiday season and look forward to ushering in the New Year.

Ryan Damerow: The importance of scholarly research is as critical as it has ever been. Through your support of our mission and programs, we help to enable communication that is sorely needed around the world, so that individuals may help find solutions to problem, resist disinformation campaigns through thoughtful discussion, and, hopefully, bring about a restored peace to our global society. To all TIRFers near and far, I wish you the very best for a healthy and happy holiday season.

Jodi Crandall: Dear TIRF Friends – We deeply appreciate your continued support in the many forms it takes. It’s because of TIRFers like you that we are able to continue to have a positive influence on English language education around the world. Wishing you the very best for a happy holiday and a wonderful new year!

Lorraine de Matos: I wish TIRF and TIRF supporters a safe and inspiring 2022 and to all the teachers in our field, looking back at 2021, I send warm wishes and congratulations on their amazing progress in innovation in education as they adapted to the new demands of online teaching. Feliz Ano Novo!

Anna Krulatz: Wishes for health, happiness, and peace this holiday season and into the New Year. God jul og godt nytt år. Wesołych Świąt i Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku.

Jun Liu: Happy New Year to everyone who is with TIRF, for TIRF, and by TIRF!

Joe Lo Bianco: In December 2019 I returned from a conference in Yokohama to my home in South Melbourne. I was tired and a bit unwell, and 2019 had been a rather difficult year. Over dinner, I heard myself announce to assembled family and visitors: “You know, I have the strongest feeling that 2020 will shape up to be a really great year.” Unsurprisingly, I have been forbidden by family and friends from ever making forecasts again. So, as we prepare to leave 2021, I DESIRE, CRAVE, YEARN, and LONG that 2022 will indeed be a ‘really great’ year, but I make no forecast about it, and more importantly, I sincerely wish TIRF and all TIRF colleagues and supporters, a safe, successful, and happy new year.

Spiros Papageorgiou: Καλή Χρονιά, Happy New Year!
Ana Sylvia Ramirez: Greetings from Guatemala, and thank you for all your support. ¡Felices fiestas!

Joan Kang Shin: Holiday greetings! Our world is ever-changing, and your support of TIRF and its many initiatives will help make a positive impact on the education of English learners around the world. Thank you for supporting TIRF. Wishing you a hopeful and healthy new year!