Cambridge English Language Assessment

TIRF Newsletter Issue Date: May 2013


Description: The Research and Validation department at Cambridge English Language Assessment carries out research projects related to its examinations and provides evidence of their validity. The department started from small beginnings in the late 1980s but has now grown to over 40 specialist staff members from backgrounds such as linguistics, psychometrics, second language acquisition, and computer science.

Examples of Activities:

  1. Publications range from small-scale validation projects, to high-level governmental projects. The latest SiLT volume traces the Cambridge English exams from a theoretical point of view.
  2. Researchers with an interest in the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) can also take a look at English Profile – a collaborative program seeking to understand what the CEFR means for English language learners. This site includes the groundbreaking English Vocabulary Profile. It will soon be home to the English Grammar Profile as well.
  3. Cambridge English offers a wide-range of free materials and information for parents, teachers, students, schools, and policy makers. Other free resources include sample papers, word lists, online games, and information to help students know what to expect on exam days.