TIRF Newsletter Issue Date: January 2014
Link: http://cip.ku.dk/
Description: The Centre for Internationalisation & Parallel Language Use (CIP) at the University of Copenhagen (UCPH) works to create a professional and practical foundation to support the University’s parallel language policy. As an active player in the international academic community, UCPH aims to ensure that its employees possess the English language skills required to function optimally in an international setting. At the same time, UCPH is determined to continue to serve the Danish society at the same high level, using Danish as the language of communication.
Examples of Activities:
- The University launched two development projects in 2013. The first, The Language Strategy – More Languages for More Students, is a five-year project which seeks to ensure specialized language-supporting activities in a broad range of foreign languages across the University of Copenhagen.
- The second project launched by UCPH is the 2016 Funds – Internationalisation and Language Skills, which focuses on the retention and preparation of international students at UCPH.
- CIP functions as a resource center for the University as a whole. CIP offers tools, links, and advice to inspire and help members of the academic community to handle the linguistic challenges of Danish and English in an internationalized workplace.