
SPEAQ is a professional association concerned with the teaching of English as a second language in the province of Quebec. The aims and objectives of the association are as follows:

  • To bring together in association those persons engaged or interested in the teaching of English as a second language in Québec;
  • To study, promote, protect and develop the professional, social and economic interests of its members;
  • To facilitate communication among the different levels of teaching of English as a second language in Québec;
  • To facilitate communication between teachers of English as a second language in Québec and other persons or groups interested in the teaching of English as a second language;
  • To create a favorable climate for the harmonious development of the teaching of English as a second language in Québec;
  • To conduct and to arrange for studies and research with the aim of encouraging or evaluating developments in the teaching of English as a second language in Québec, and to inform its members of such developments; and
  • To print and publish reviews, journals, periodicals and other publications for purposes of information, professional improvement and promotional material publicity in connection with the objects above.