TIRF is preparing for its activities next month in Portland, Oregon, USA during the TESOL 2023 International Convention & English Language Expo. In this piece, we share information about the various events we will be participating in and share how our supporters and partners can engage with us.

For the first time since 2019, TIRF will be hosting its spring Board meeting in person. TIRF Trustees will gather on Tuesday, March 21st to discuss a number of issues that will help shape the Foundation’s future activities and direction. With this meeting not only being the first time TIRF Board members will convene face-to-face since the outset of the pandemic but also the first since the change in TIRF’s presidential/vice presidential leadership, there are a number of topics to be discussed that will help TIRF focus its resources in ways that will assist TIRF in furthering its mission. Be sure to return to our website next month for an update on the outcomes of our meeting.
On Wednesday, March 22nd, TIRF President Jun Liu will co-moderate with TESOL President Dr. Joyce Kling the TESOL Presidential Plenary. The session, entitled “Inspiring the Future of Research in ELT,” will take place from 8am to 9am PT in Hall A in the Oregon Convention Center. The panelists include the following individuals:
- Dr. Peter De Costa: Co-Editor, TESOL Quarterly; First Vice President, AAAL;Associate Professor & MATESOL Program Director, Michigan State University, USA
- Professor Shondel Nero: New York University School of Culture, USA; Inaugural Recipient, TIRF James E. Alatis Prize (2016)
- Professor David Nunan: Trustee, TIRF; Professor Emeritus, University of Hong Kong; Past President of TESOL International Association (1999-2000)
- Dr. Özgehan Uştuk: Chair, TESOL Research Professional Council; Research Assistant, Bliskesir University, Turkey
The abstract for the Plenary follows here: “Research in English language teaching shapes all facets of our profession but results can be difficult to implement. In this President’s Keynote, researchers representing AAAL, TESOL, and TIRF reflect on current research trends and findings in our field, look forward to possible areas of interest, and inspire connections for practice.”

One hour after the completion of the Plenary mentioned above, from 10am to 11am PT in Ballroom 202 of the Oregon Convention Center, there will be a follow-up session, entitled “Where to Next? Inspiring the Future of Research in ELT.” The abstract for this session is as follows: “Following the Presidential Keynote, panelists from AAAL, TESOL, and TIRF are available for an extended session. In dialogue with the audience, panelists will debate the importance of research in ELT. Topics may include how different types of stakeholders can get involved in ELT research and how research can inspire practice.”
TIRF’s “colleague session,” an opportunity extended to the Foundation from TESOL as one of its strategic partners, will be held on Friday, March 24th from 9am to 10:30am PT in Oregon Ballroom 202 in the Oregon Convention Center. The abstract for the session, entitled “TIRF Research on Integrating Language and Content in Diverse Contexts,” is as follows: “Integrating language and content in diverse contexts remains a critical area of study worldwide. Drawing from research conducted by TIRF grantees and other scholars, this session provides information on the latest advances in theory and practice. Participants will learn about methodological approaches to teaching content effectively to English language learners.” Presenters involved in this session include:
- Donna Christian: TIRF Trustee
- MaryAnn Christison: TIRF Trustee
- Beth Clark-Gareca: Associate Professor, Binghampton University
- JoAnn (Jodi) Crandall: TIRF Trustee
- Tamrika Khvtisiashvili: English Language Specialist, U.S. Department of State
- Joyce Kling: Senior Lecturer, Lund University
- Anna Krulatz: TIRF Trustee; Professor, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
- Kristen Lindahl: Associate Dean/Professor, University of Texas, San Antonio
If you are planning on attending the TESOL Convention, we would be delighted to have you join us at any of the public sessions mentioned above. We hope to meet you in Portland!